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Building conflicts? Acquire CIPAA proficiency in Malaysia with MyContractSolutions

woman holding an empty wallet

Because construction projects are complicated, disputes may sometimes occur. The Construction Industry Payment Adjudication Act (CIPAA) provides Malaysian contractors with a way to handle outstanding debts. However, understanding the CIPAA procedures might be difficult.  Help is available from MyContractSolutions (M) Sdn Bhd.

What’s CIPAA, and how can you benefit from it?  A streamlined procedure for resolving payment disputes in the construction sector is established by CIPAA Malaysia.  Under CIPAA, a contractor who has an outstanding invoice may submit a claim and request adjudication, which is a legally binding judgement by an impartial third party.

Deciphering the CIPAA Process: Crucial Phases

Recognising the CIPAA Process:

  • Pre-Adjudication 
    • In this preliminary phase, a payment demand is served to the party who is not paying and a settlement is attempted. They can assist you in creating a strong claim and provide bargaining tactics.
  • CIPAA Adjudication
    • To start the official procedure if a settlement cannot be reached, a notice of adjudication must be submitted. Their group can guarantee that all required paperwork is submitted on time and accurately.
  • The adjudication procedure
    •  Both parties presenting their claims to a designated arbiter who renders a legally enforceable ruling about the disagreement. If necessary, they can help you prepare your case and defend you throughout the adjudication procedure.

For your CIPAA requirements, why should you choose MyContractSolutions?

  • Expert Claim Assessment
    • They evaluate the veracity of your claim and assist in assembling proof to support it.
  • CIPAA Navigation
    • The staff assists you at each stage of the process, making sure that all deadlines and specifications are met.
  • Expert Negotiation
    • To save you time and money, they work towards a fair settlement before turning to adjudication.
  • Expertise in Adjudication
    • They provide thorough assistance at every stage of the procedure, should adjudication be required.

Avoid having disagreements over construction payments ruin your company. Now, get in touch with MyContractSolutions (M) Sdn Bhd.  As your dependable partner, their CIPAA professionals will make sure you get the just compensation you are due.

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